Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Bon soir!

So every night from about 8 to 9:30, the kids play a game in this massive field near the hotel.  Last night they played Capture the Flag, which was, as I predicted, a huge hit.  It's a fact: all kids love Capture the Flag.  (One kid told me "I love Capture the Flag but it'd be more fun with guns!"... surprisingly he's not from the U.S., either...)  Another kid got a nosebleed though, and I almost passed out at the site of his blood spewing from his face... C'est la vie, n'est-ce pas?

Tonight, however, was probably the best night here so far.  Another counselor and I were in charge of ten 13 and 14 year-olds for the evening game, so we took them to this beach volleyball court.  The kids were surprisingly awesome at volleyball, and even cooler was that I got to play on one of the teams.  I haven't played volleyball since gym class in junior year of high school, but I impressed myself with a few sweet dives and spikes and such... I felt like a huge fool though because I spiked the ball at one point and it smacked this girl on the other team in the head, causing her to fall down.  If she has any brain damage, hopefully spa-camp will cover the medical expenses.

The camp is from ages 7 to 16, interestingly enough, and the 15 & 16 year-olds are called the "Leaders."  Hence, they get more opportunities to do whatever they want and roam around by themselves, etc.  They got to pick one counselor to take them ice skating at the rink in town on Monday night, and guess who they picked?!?! Yea, that's right, me, because I'm the coolest counselor of them all, duh! (Hiiii any of my fellow counselors reading this blog!)  I noticed, though, that a lot of the kids like to make fun of me, which I don't understand really... it's not like I have any odd eccentricities or anything...

And finally, tonight at 10pm (which is 17 minutes ago) I begin my day off!!!  Part of me wants to shower and get dressed and go out to bars in Megeve, but the other part of me wants to pass out and catch up on all the sleep I've missed since I arrived here.  I also went on a 5-hour hike at the foothills of Mont Blanc with thirty 7-to-12 year-olds this afternoon, so I'm especially wiped...

A demain, mes amis!

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